Friday, January 24, 2014

Jerrod Harn-Black Swan- business cards

This is my UN-professional business card. What I did was I changed the canvas to black, then I pasted the swan logo in the middle, and made the design the "fold" effect. I used a text box to write the information. Then I changed the font and size to look and fit with the picture.

This is my semi-professional business card, I changed the canvas to a purple/violet shade, Then the swan I used "satan" effect, and changed it to where it matched the canvas.  I changed the font of my writing and changed the color, then I put a star next it, and changed the shape and color.

This is my professional business card. For the background, you see a mountain range and a lake, what I did was I copied and pasted the photo, then i changed the color to match the rest of the card. I used text boxes to write the words, Then I changed the font and color. The background, I did a mask for the background to be a mountain range with a lake.

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